
Snack Attack - What to Eat Post Work Out!

This week Bootcamp Pilates fan and model turned nutritionist, Jo Emma Larvin gives the low-down on what constitutes as a healthy post work out snack! 

Jo Emma Larvin

    I believe one of the most important times to eat (other then breakfast of course) is post workout!!
It's a time your body really uses the food & nutrients that go in. So it's important you eat the right foods to help your body do its work.
Your muscles have been worked and your energy stores depleted. So to repair those muscles and replace the glycogen supplies we need a snack/meal with a good balance of protein, carbohydrate (ideally slow release) & some beneficial oils.
Not only will this provide the nourishment your body needs for the tasks at hand, it will it will help to keep your system balanced and your body feeling safe knowing it's got what it needs, when it needs it! This should prevent dips that can lead to urgent cravings later in the day.

Heres some good post workout snack combos to give you some ideas:-

* a banana and peanut/almond nut butter smoothie, ideally with a nut milk -  super yummy and ideal. You can add some oats in the mix for an extra carb boost. Great idea especially for a post morning workout.
Peanut Butter and Banana Smoothie

* pumpkin seeds and cranberries. Or any of your favourite seed and berry mix. A good one to already have in your bag if you are in a rush or lunch isn't too far off.

* a big juicy apple, sliced with almond butter. Simple yet delish!!

* some brown rice sushi pieces, in different varieties. Not so easy to find (Ukai, Planet Organic and Waitrose are good for this) Hold the salty soy sauce though.
Brown Rice Sushi

* a wholemeal pitta filled with shredded carrot, cucumber and houmous is hearty and filling. I like to squeeze lemon juice inside the bread before filling.

* a baked sweet potato topped with olive oil, spinach and toasted hazelnuts is super yummy.
Sweet Potato with spinach

* cooked tomatoes and basil on toasted granary bread with pins nuts.

Last but not least I can't recommend enough Coconut Waterhttp://vitacoco.com/?gclid=CL262NX-vLICFUXKtAodIH8A6w for a post work out drink; a refreshing & natural way to quench your thirst and replace all those electrolytes lost through sweating. Plus you can buy it at Bootcamp reception! 
Get your Coconut Water at Bootcamp!
 Happy snack attacking :-) 

Jo Emma x