
Lemons will give you your zing back

Ever wondered how these little yellow fruits can keep you healthy? Well here’s the download on these little powerhouses…

In short, lemons:

  • are antiseptic
  • stimulate the liver and kidneys
  • cleanse the skin
  • ease heartburn, bloating and digestive problems
  • contain calcium, magnesium and potassium




Simply adding lemon to hot water each morning will provide you with an instant detox and will immediately aid your digestive system because lemons encourage the production of bile which is vital for digestion and absorption of fats and vitamins.

Lemons also help to maintain the pH levels of the body, which in turn can aid the immune system and stop disease and illness. They also provide the most important antioxidant – vitamin C. If you weren’t aware vitamin C helps to support a healthy heart by preventing the build up of cholesterol, which is key in keeping those arteries clear!

So what you waiting for? Get squeezing!