
10 superfoods that will melt fat away

Every week we hear about the next new superfood that you should add to your diet. Well there are certain ingredients that do this as well so we’ve listed a mixture of both to help you when your planning your next meal.

Bell Peppers
The vitamin C in peppers helps produce carnation which assists muscles to burn fat.

These little gems are full of protein, fibre and fats that lower cholesterol.

A fat-busting miracle that lowers cholesterol.

Low in calories and full of protein, a great way to start the day.

A third of your daily amount of fibre in a single serving.

Dark Chocolate
Aim for a couple of squares that are at least 70% cocoa.

If you drink this juice with a meal it is thought to lower weight gain by up to a fifth.

Full of fibre, vitamins and minerals to ease water retention.

Have a handful as the amount of energy used to digest them means you burn calories while you eat them!