
5 minutes with Lexie Sport

Our July pop-up at our Notting Hill studio is from Lexie Sport, so we thought we would take 5 minutes to quiz founder Lily Rice about her sportswear brand.

How did you get into fashion?

I originally studied Performance Sportswear design and having worked for Umbro when it was part of the Nike family I found my passion was really in women’s wear. As a girl with a passion for sports myself, I found I couldn’t find the type of clothes I wanted to wear.


What’s it like being in the fitness fashion industry?

It’s an amazing industry to be in at the moment. 10 years ago you really could only chose from the larger labels and their women’s offerings were so poor! Now there are heaps of different brands and we’re really proud to be part of the movement!


How would you describe your brand?

Lexie is designed by women for women and our aesthetically inspired sportswear is made in Britain.


What inspired your designs?

The basis of the brand stems from the art deco period when women’s sportswear was originally created. We blend this with fabrics that perform and shapes that we feel flatter the female form to create sportswear that stands out.


How do you start your day?

Avocado on toast or weetabix (I’m sure that’s a foodie sin!), a decaf coffee and a workout. At the moment I’m using an online program that I’m getting very addicted too!

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Would you say you’re healthy, if yes, why is this important to you?

I hope so! Health is something we really take for granted until we are ill or injured and then you really realise the value of putting time into valuing yourself. I’ve always been passionate about sports, not just for the health benefits but also because taking part makes me feel amazing, even when you don’t fancy the workout at the start!


When are you at your happiest?

Spending time with my family, when I’ve smashed a hard work out or when the latest collection arrives for the first time!


What exercise do you do and how often?

I love challenging exercises, which is why Bootcamp Pilates is awesome! I’m also using an online program at the moment and I’ve signed up for another half marathon at the end of the year.


Any clothing tips for those getting into exercise?

It can be really easy to convince yourself that buying cheap poor quality gear is good value but it really pays to invest in your kit. The more comfortable you feel the easier workouts will be and nothing motivates me more than cool kit!


Where do you see your brand in the future?

It’s a really exciting time for the brand, we love pop ups so our summer pop up in the Notting Hill branch is something we’re loving. We also have some new styles in the works!


What’s next for you professionally?

Growing the brand, encouraging more women into sport and launching new collections!


Bootcamp Pilates clients can get a whopping 20% discount when they visit the Lexie Sport website and enter the promo code: Bootcamp15 (only for July 2015).


For more information about Lexie Sport, visit the website - www.lexiesport.co.uk