  • Photo: Stijn Nieuwendijk
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Antipasti-style roast vegetables

We love this recipe because it is quick and easy to do and can be stirred through pasta, put on top of a pizza or added to a salad and it’s low in calories too!


  • Turn your oven to the highest heat setting and line a large baking tray with foil.
  • Chop one red pepper, one yellow pepper, one courgette and one medium red onion.
  • Place on the baking tray and coat with 2 tablespoons of olive oil, 1 teaspoon of honey and a sprinkle of herbs and black pepper. Use your hands to ensure all the vegetable are covered.
  • Place the baking tray into the oven and leave for about 5 to 8 minutes. Then switch off the oven and leave the tray inside until the oven is cool (overnight is ideal).
  • Slide the vegetables off the foil and use immediately or place in a container in the fridge.