
Chia Berry Layered Pots


We recently saw this delicious recipe from nutritionist Christine Bailey and just had to share on our blog:

This recipe is a delicious sweet breakfast you can prepare the night before and it will energise you to start the day on the right foot!

Serves 2


  • 300g frozen or fresh berries or pitted cherries
  • 100ml of water or pomegranate juice
  • 50g chia seeds
  • 300ml almond milk
  • 1tbsp desiccated coconut to decorate


  • To make the berry compote, place the berries, water or pomegranate juice in a pan and gently simmer for 5 mins or until the berries are soft. Allow to cool.
  • Put the chia seeds in a jug with the almond milk. Stir well. Place in the fridge to soak overnight.
  • When ready to serve, spoon a little of the chai mixture in the bottom of two glasses. Top with half the berry compote followed by the remaining chia. Spoon over the remaining berries.
  • Scatter a little desiccated coconut over the top to serve.