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Beginner Pilates Class

Essential for new members, our beginner Pilates classes are all about striking a balance – giving you not only a great workout but also the sympathetic support, encouragement and reassurance that every beginner needs. Three or four of these classes will get you used to the correct exercise techniques at a comfortable pace, putting you in a stronger position to tackle the steadier and tougher standard classes. If you’re coming back to us after an injury, a couple of beginner sessions will help you get back in the swing of things – and prevent you from pushing too hard, too soon.

Standard Pilates Class

Not recommended for beginners, most of our classes are at this intermediate level. But our professional trainers are intent on devising many different routines, so one Pilates class will rarely be the same as another. While no longer a beginner, you’ll keep on learning new exercises – but with confidence you might have lacked at the start.

Beginner Pilates Class

Reformer pilates class

Pilates Class Machines

Reformer machine