
The HIIP class at Bootcamp Pilates - what people had to say…

As you are aware, we recently launched the High Intensity Interval Pilates (HIIP) class at Bootcamp Pilates and lots of you have been trying out the classes. Here’s what some people had to say about HIIP.


“Pilates is generally thought of as a relaxing form of exercise – this is not. Reformer Pilates is renowned for toning, and this new class incorporates high intensity interval training moves to really amp up the fat burning. I was EXHAUSTED after the class – but the moves are constantly changing so you don’t ever get bored and can tone it down if it all gets too much – but it’s an amazing workout. You WILL be sore the next day!”


“We left the class feeling completely dead, though ready to hit the class again. It’s addictive!”


“Lots of Pilates classes don’t raise the heart rate but this workout is designed to do just that while also burning fat.”


“I’ve tried Pilates before, but when the music starts pumping I get the feeling this is going to be slightly different. By the end I’m exhausted but can feel the class has given me an all-over body blitz. And I’m rewarded with a nice, long cool-down stretch.”

If you haven’t been along to try a class yet then don’t delay! The class will consist of exercises both on and off the reformer machine and will boost your fitness, strength and stamina, while also burning fat! No prior experience is necessary, as the 55-minute class will cater for all levels of fitness. You can trust our expert instructors to make sure you get a challenging workout whatever your level of fitness.

Don’t forget the HIIP introductory class offer is just £8 or free if you are a current member in credit.