Class Types

The Reformer

We know it’s daunting to look at the Reformer but you’ll be in great hands. The beginner’s introduction only takes a couple of minutes to explain and you’ll be on your way to being a pro in just a few more minutes. The introduction is to explain the effect of the colour-coded springs, the use of the straps and the carriage. The springs provide the tension for your workout and really are easy to deal with; your trainer will always explain which springs you need and give a clear description of each exercise. The straps allow a multitude of exercises to be performed and the smooth glide of the carriage helps to achieve a controlled workout. In fact, after that first visit, you’ll come back for your second Bootcamp Pilates class and wonder what you were worried about.

Standard Pilates Class

Not recommended for beginners.

The majority of our classes are the intermediate ones. Our professional trainers have many different routines and one class will rarely be the same as another. Even at intermediate level you’ll be learning a lot of new exercises but with that added confidence you might have lacked early on.

Beginner Pilates Classes

The essential class if you are new to Bootcamp Pilates.  We also recommend that you do at least 3 or 4 beginners classes.  Your friendly trainer will be able to tell you if you are ready to move up to our intermediate classes.  This also helps to ensure that the intermediate classes flow and allow clients to get the most from their sessions.

So, you’ve had your brief introduction and you’re ready for this beginners session. You’ll get a great first workout but with just the right amount of sympathy needed at an early stage. The classes are about getting used to the correct techniques for each exercise, so that you reap the full benefits.

Please ensure that you attend beginners classes if you are completely new to Bootcamp Pilates' Dynamic Reformer workout. The pace of the class is designed to give you the perfect introduction, allowing you to be more comfortable in tackling the steadier and tougher intermediate classes.

In addition, if you are returning after injury, then do a couple of beginners sessions to get back into the swing of things.  It's never wise to push too hard, too soon.


High Intensity Interval Pilates (HIIP)

Our latest addition to the timetable is the High Intensity Interval Pilates (HIIP) class. The HIIP class is intense and will condition the whole body, whipping you into shape in no time at all.

The class will consist of exercises both on and off the reformer machine and will boost your fitness, strength and stamina, while also burning fat!

No prior experience is necessary, as the 55-minute class will cater for all levels of fitness. You can trust our expert instructors to make sure you get a challenging workout whatever your level of fitness.

It is guaranteed that during this class you will SWEAT! The Instructors will put you through your paces during this tough, upbeat and energising workout, raising your heart rate on and off the reformer Pilates machine.

The HIIP class is perfect for anyone looking to burn fat, improve muscle tone and increase their fitness.


Mum and Baby Class

Having worked hard for so many months to bring your little one into the world, it’s time to look after YOU again. The classes are also at a time that allows you to stay around a bit longer for a chat and catch up. We’re also keen to invite along the occasional guest to help with advice and ideas.

Please note the following points:

  • Any exercise after the birth should be at a Doctor's discretion
  • 6 weeks is always our recommended guideline for returning to exercise after birth
  • However, if you have had a caesarean section, you should not be exercising for 12 weeks minimum after the birth


Pregnancy - We also advise that, at the 20th week of pregnancy, you should discontinue with our classes and attend specific pregnancy exercise classes. 


High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

Suitable for all levels, including Reformer Pilates Beginners.

This fantastic new addition to our City location means the chance to drop 2% body fat in just 8 weeks.  Designed to complement our Reformer Pilates, using a selection of equipment like Bulgarian bags, Kettlebells, Suspension ropes, Power bands and walls balls.  Just those descriptions should make you curious!  These 40 minute classes will hit the schedule at the start of May 2013 and will take place at lunchtimes.  Booking is the same as for our Pilates classes with a slightly lower cost.  You can use your current account credits to book into a class.....why not take a trial class in the next week or two?

Classes are small, aimed at all levels and you will also have practical demonstrations of all exercises.   

Contact [email protected] for further information and booking details.

Bootcamp Barre - coming soon to City Studio

Suitable for all levels.

Just like our Pilates classes, our new Barre classes are designed to work the whole body.  Each 55 minute class combines elements of core strengthening, static and dynamic movements and active stretching to lengthen muscles.  Regular attendance will help with cardiovascular health, improve posture and alignment as well as building long, lean muscle.

Contact [email protected] for further information and booking details.


TRX - coming soon to City Studio

Suitable for all levels.

Using a combination of gravity and body weight, we guarantee that our TRX suspension classes will challenge even the hardiest of  Bootcamp Pilates fans.  Your core will be tested to the max as you fight to stabilise yourself during a series of gruelling exercises designed to work on your strength, stamina, balance and flexibility.

Contact [email protected] for further information and booking details.


Private Classes

Our private classes can be arranged with the trainer of your choice.  With the emphasis on you and your needs, it's the best way to match your class to your exact needs.  Consult with your trainer before you start, work as fast or slowly as you like, work as hard or easy as you like.  The full Bootcamp Pilates experience, just for you.  Go deserve to pamper yourself.  Classes are £80.00 for a 55 minute session with special prices if you'd like to book a series of classes.